Teaching As Intervention

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Entry from the original HBCU Stem HUB  website, published September 19, 2022

Last week I wrote a poem “Ode to Students in Chapter 2” as a blog post. I started writing it out of sheer frustration. After writing it, I felt better. I even shared it with the students who were the subject of the poem. They actually liked it! PLUS it sparked a conversation about their own frustrations. They are making the transition from screen to in-person learning and the shift has not been easy. They need help.

I need to help them.

Teaching as Intervention (TAI) focuses on methods used in classroom instruction to augment teaching and learning. TAI is part of the Transcendent Intervention Strategies being developed by the Analytic Hub. We plan to support our TAI communities of practice through the CareFull Scholars Program and have as an objective not only an improvement in student’s grades but for the instructors to experience greater fulfillment and success as teachers. Of course, we also encourage writing so as to contribute to the Science of Teaching and Learning AND as a means to explore and vent and think.

Since our actual day job is both teaching (important and urgent) and writing (important but mostly not urgent) we may be able to use them together and perhaps get better at both.

Why not give it a try. Write about what you are feeling. (It doesn’t have to rhyme.)

You DO have 15 minutes.

Start today.

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