“How to be Productive at an HBCU without Killing Yourself”

The Hub Blog is about writing but not JUST about writing. Our CareFull Scholars program asserts that the health and well-being of the scholar is crucial to the quality and quantity of the scholarship. We seek to cultivate the Scholar’s Mind by tapping into the inherent genius that is our own inner wisdom. To do this we begin with the practice of writing as a set of activities that requires a healthy body, quiet mind, restful spirit and effective use of technology. For those who need to know the whole picture, this week’s blog is the entire outline for the 2022-23 Hub Blog: Writing as a Practice and not just for a Product or “How to be Productive at an HBCU without Killing Yourself.”

For this year-long conversation I’ll be inviting guest bloggers to join me in addressing these topics. We will also respond to your comments as we write together using these and other tools. So, what are you planning to write in the next 3 months? Please, tell us in the comments below, then start today. You have 15 minutes.

Writing as a Practice and not just for a Product

  1. Write to clear: Morning Pages
  2. Write to think: Your Mother Lode document
  3. Write every day (M-F) for 30 minutes (25 + 5 using Pomodoro Method)
  4. Write to empower:
    • Create knowledge – empirical studies
    • Synthesize knowledge- lit reviews (Chantelle’s Template),
    • Pursue Understanding (concept or theoretical papers, practice briefs, special issues)
    • Establish a Voice- edited books
    • Get Money- grant proposals (federal, state, private)
    • Leave a Legacy (influence the field)
  5. A method for DAILY Scholarly Writing
    • The Pomodoro method uses focused and diffuse thinking
    • Keeps your writing focused on the task at hand
    • Strengthens a writing habit: Scheduled 25 minutes for writing+5 min stretch every day M-F
  6. Plan your Pomodoro as you would a meeting
    • Protect the time. Writing is not done after everything else.
    • Allows for the connecting of your ideas when productivity is tracked and examined weekly as part of Weekly Planning
  7. Structures for Support that will help change your relationship with your writing.
    • Mental and Emotional Structures for Support
      • Personal Visioning- Where does your writing fit in your own strategic plan? (Faculty Success Program)
      • Collaboration- Join this Community- you don’t have to write alone
      • Prioritize: Schedule an appointment for your daily writing by planning your week around it (Faculty Success Program)
    • Technical Structures for Support
      • Where to put the writing
    • Organizing
      • Working a Plan
        • MicroSteps (From the seed idea to the submission)
        • Logic Models (Does your thinking make sense)
        • Writing as community (Create accountabilities bigger than you)
      • Writing Log: Track your progress with tools for Project Planning
    • Mastering Your Tools
      • Your computer
        • A scholar’s desktop
        • Tabs and shortcuts
        • Folders and Subfolders
        • Cloud storage and back-ups
        • Apps for an efficient workflow
      • Word Processing Tools
        • MS Word, Pages
        • Outline feature
        • Track changes
        • References from footnotes
      • Personal Data Base of Citations
        • Zotero, Endnote, Refworks and others
        • Lit Review template- Excel
      • Software for writing
        • Craft
        • Drafts
        • Notes
        • Audio files
      • On line tools for Collaboration
    • Physical Structures for Support
      • Place to write that is inviting to you
      • Personal habits conducive to writing
        • The Clear Your Desk habit
        • Keep a notebook for your notes habit
        • Personal wiki habit
        • Get rid of paper habit
      • Know your personal ambience preferences for writing
      • Use Writing Tools that inspire you
    • Feed your spirit: quiet your mind
      • Mandala coloring book (paper or digital)
      • Yoga and Stretching
      • Walking and Running (10,000 Steps per day)
      • Eating Healthy (Eat, Not a lot, Mostly plants)

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