Now, before we begin in earnest with the DOING part, we must define terms.
1. “growing toward divinity”- A set of daily practices that are based on your faith tradition and brings the awareness of said tradition into all areas of your life, including and especially, your daily work tasks. 2. “getting to your destiny” A set of practices that are based on the inverse of the dictate by Socrates regarding an “unexamined life”- Ours is an examined life that is worth living An examined life is one in which personal and professional goals align with a clearly articulated self-determined purpose.
For our purposes, either definition will suffice.
1. a methodology strictly based on the book “Getting Things Done: The art of stress-free productivity” by David Allen, 2. a methodology loosely based on the book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen and embracing an anti-misogynoir framework. The method is also informed by the actual critical race theory that helps explain the origin; purpose of and the continued need for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. It is within the context of teaching at an HBCU that this experiment is taking place.
For our purposes either definition will suffice.
(atomic habits)
1. a methodology for adopting new desired habits and ending unwanted habitual behavior based on activities outline in the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. 2. a methodology informed by the book “Atomic Habits” but adds the essential element of rest. (The need for rest is articulated in the book ”Rest is Resistance” by Tricia Heresy. This element is essential and based on the GTD Definition #2. For more information see a previous blog on Heresy’s book.

For those who have read until this point and still may be unclear of what critical race theory has to do with this notion of being organized. I’d like to refer you to two previous blogs. The first blog- “How to succeed at an HBCU without killing yourself” was based on my experience as a teacher and researcher at an HBCU. In addition, I have written- “How to be a Black Scientist“, where the lives of two scientists, George Washington Carver and Ernest Everette Just are compared and contrasted.
I refer you to these writings to let you know that this is not a new experiment. It is a longitudinal study made new with each new cohort. George Washington Carver had post Civil War, Ernest Just had the reign of terror and we have…what we have.
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it is to now write out your purpose statement, your WHY and to create an artifact in pictures or symbols that represents you aspiration. The artifact is also known as a vision board. Words are not enough for this experiment because of how your brain functions. For instance, your brain formed pictures before words and processed feelings before images. This information about your purpose is part of the teaching of Dr. Tara Swart, MD, Ph.D. a neuroscientist and medical doctor who teaches at MIT and whose blog, Reinvent Yourself is followed by millions.
Oh and one more thing about experiments…there is also data collection. Here’s a place for yours. This document also contains more information about the weekly assignments and a calendar for your milestones.
Weekly Assignment
- Sign in to our community accountability sheet
Assignment for (gtd)
- Create a written purpose statement for your life
- Read the information from Dr. Tara Swart about the value of vision boards.
- Create a visual artifact that aligns with your purpose.
Assignment for (GTD)
- Watch the video of David Allen discussing Capture
- Begin Step one: Capture
Assignment for Atomic Habit
- Drink more water. Put water in a see-through container and place in your fridge.
2 thoughts on “Weekly Assignment: Capture”
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