
Blog Posts published under and transferred from original HBCU Stem Hub website

Why Write?

Imagine spending a dedicated period setting yourself up to write. For some, that might be clearing their desk, for others, making a clear spot on the desk and for some it could be organizing folders on their computer’s desk-top. Organizing your physical or digital space is just one of the tools we promote for our

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Resolution via Sankofa

Resolution via Sankofa

I happened to be in Washington D.C. on a historic day last week when the president of the American Psychological Association gave her inaugural address to one of the country’s largest professional organizations. Dr. Thema Bryant opened the proceedings by introducing a dance troupe and their rendition of the Negro National Anthem “Lift Every Voice

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Lowered Standards

I was on a call tonight with other colleagues at my institution in which I made a confession about my teaching. I prefaced my confession with the good news that I had the highest pre-midterm average ever in my Physiological Psychology course. I also covered the fewest number of chapters than I have ever covered

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